Once upon a time…

Once upon a time, I had grand dreams of this being a page with a form where you could input your name and email address in order to send messages, comments, questions, or what have you. Then I discovered that I can’t use PHP on Neocities. I could still build an email contact form with HTML, but all that would do is open up an email client for you to message me - why even bother making the form at that point?

So fuck it

I’m just going to put an email address right here, and if you want to contact me about this story, you can send your message there. If you read this story and have something to say, I would love to hear from you!

opalinecities (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Want to send a review? Want to leave a comment? Want to ask a question? Want to ask if you can be emailed when I update, because I have no idea if the RSS feed I tried to set up actually works? Want to just say hi? That’s where you do it! Opalinecities (at) gmail (dot) com (and pardon my rudimentary attempts at protecting this address from bots). While I’m ultimately writing this story for myself, comments and engagement help keep me going, and I would love to hear from you! I don’t bite - only Orialu does that. ♡